Watch out for scams!
Only download the MVRSWood metaverse using the links on this page.
We will not post direct links on twitter, discord, telegram or anywhere else – except for links to this page.
MVRSWood is a large and detailed metaverse. You will need a capable games PC with good graphics card, even for the lowest quality version of the game. You need a high spec gaming machine.
So, don’t frustrate yourself by trying to install on a slow or business PC.
This is an pre-alpha release of MVRSWood. The final release will be optimized to run on less capable hardware.
Recommended computer spec: AMD Ryzen 5 w/ 32GB, NVidia GeForce RTX 3060 Ti 8GB running Windows 10/11

1. Download and install the Epic Games Launcher for free (if you don’t already have it)
MVRSWood is built in Unreal Engine
2. Download the MVRSWood zip file using only the links below.
All downloads are aprox 12.9 GB.
Windows (64 bit)
direct: (slow)
dropbox: recommended
Best Quality Graphics
Lower Quality Graphics
3. After downloading, extract the contents of the zip file. There is no installation required. Run City01.exe to launch MVRSWood. Your virus checker will not know this file and should pop up with a suspicious file warning. Let it do its job to make sure the files haven’t been tampered with.

4. For your security, there is no need to connect your Web3 wallet to the game
Instead DM us on twitter @mvrswood for a private game code
Or use the guest game code published on twitter
Note that guest codes expire regularly

Any problems or suggestions, please contact us @mvrswood